Monday, November 19, 2012


It appears I forgot the "birthday" of my own blog!  What a loser.  Anyway, November 8th of 2011 (LAST YEAR) I decided it was a good idea to start this here blog.  I can't say I've always been diligent about posting, or that I'm ever going to get better at it (it's hard when life happens), but we made it (this blog, you - my readers, and myself).  I always wondered what I'd talk about when my blog reached the big ONE YEAR mark, and I'm still wondering.  I guess I could talk about how much I've grown as a blogger, as a person, as a budding fashionista, but to tell the truth, I think I've just become more comfortable being me.  The whole taking photos of yourself thing is totally self-absorbed and obsessed, but it also makes you realize that you can't be taking yourself that seriously if you are setting up a camera, setting the self-timer and photographing yourself in your #ootd.  Instagram has made it easier/lazier to participate in this great big world of street style, but there's still something to be said about old fashioned photos.  So just like every year, we all make resolutions to be better, stronger, more awesome as a human being; how about I just resolve to being a better blogger.  This "year" I'm going to forget what people think about me, and make my boyfriend take my #ootd photos out in public.  I'm going to ask someone on the street (or at my work) if I can photograph them for my blog.  I already don't take myself seriously, but what if I just threw the rest of the caution that's remaining to the wind (seriously, what do I have to lose?).  I'm going to learn how to (properly) use my camera, maybe even buy a new one.  Do the damn thing.  

In "the other things I forgot to post about these past few weeks" category, Adam and I went to see Allen Stone last Sunday at the Grog Shop.  Guess what?  It was awesome!  Guess what?  I didn't regret going to a show on a work night.  Guess what?  We're going to see Yellowcard tomorrow night.  Guess what?  We're working on being more life-livers, which is hard when you have 2 jobs, but then again, remember in college when you worked full-time, went to school full-time and partied full-time (I think my maths are a little off there)?  Well, we're bringing it back, the grown-up version that is, where we replace school with a full-time "career", replace work with a part-time job, and replace partying with .... well, partying and doing things (i.e. going to shows, maybe joining a gym, taking a class, etc).  Taking myself back to the days of making lists, being super organized and managing my time like a boss (I never realized how lazy I got having a full-time job).  I also want to ask you, readers, to hold me to it, keep me accountable, because that's the best way to do it.  Make a goal, share it with people, and share the experience.  

Now enough with the sappy stuff, let's get to the photoz:

White button-down:  School Uniforms, "Tie": Belt from Dress (H&M), Jewelry: vintage, gifts, Jeans:  H&M, Silver Shoes:  Payless, Sweater:  Banana Republic (Adam's)
And now for the show:
So much talent on that small stage.

Not sure if this is a good or bad thing, but the organist, TOTALLY reminded us of Bruno from Misfits.
"I can't get no sleep, no, no, I can't get no sleep"

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