Friday, September 23, 2016

Week-End Round-Up P8 - Things to Make This Week

An art installation we are working our bathroom!

Another week with two projects down (plus some others I didn't share). I promised I'd share how spray painting boots went, and you guys, it was a success! I took an old pair of suede boots from Target, covered the hardware with newspaper, and spray painted the rest. I shared about it on Instagram Stories and Snapchat (both @bottesdeleanor) Thursday night.  Check it out if you'd like (and if it's still around when you read this).

I have some Autumn/Halloween decorating to get started on, so here are some DIYs I hope to tackle this weekend!

1. Halloween-themed banners.
2. Vases from old bottles. 
3. Vases from pumpkins.
4. A Halloween wreath!
5. Finally, not really Halloween-related, but I finally found the perfect container for one of these!

And for this week's song of the week, how about some Tally Hall?  Man, I miss those guys.

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